Wednesday 4 July 2012

Bespoke Maps for "Shackleton's Dream" - The History Press

Shackleton's dream cover courtesy of the History Press.
We've been creating a set of bespoke maps to work within a new title by polar author Stephen Haddelsey "Shackleton's Dream" (History Press). 

Stephen's book records the story of the Trans Antarctic Expedition (TAE) in the late 1950's whose members consisted both British and New Zealand nationals. It's also a story of the clash of the two personalities who ran the expedition - Britain's Dr Vivian Fuchs and his deputy the fiery New Zealander Ed. Hillary. It's a fascinating story and Stephen helps to bring it all back to life in his book.

We've worked on historical mapping titles previously including (selected examples): The Viking Atlas of WW1, The Viking Atlas of WW2, The Penguin Atlas of D-Day, the DK Factopedia/World Atlas and the Macmillan Atlas of the (American) Civil War.

We were asked to create a selection of bespoke maps to tally with key points in the book. Here's a few low res examples of which below:


You can see more about this expedition (inc. previously unpublished materials) and get more details on the new "Shackleton's Dream" book on Stephen Haddelsey's blog:

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