Friday 1 March 2013

Mapping Commenced for Operation Tabarin Book

I've started to work with polar author Stephen Haddelsey to create a set of accompanying maps for a new book presently being written by him called 'Operation Tabarin' (working title) on the secretive WW2 British military operation in the Antarctic.

Comparitively little has been published in relation to this operation. Stephen explains for the first time in his new book the various events and happenings around it and it's eventual formalising as the organisation we know today as the 'British Antarctic Survey'.

I also recently created all of the accompanying maps for his latest book "Shackleton's Dream" (History Press) too. I've put a quick example of these below too. Stephen's blog can be found at:

Examples of the range of initial source materials being poured over
(note all important choccies).
A map of Ross Island for the author's previous book by the History Press
"Shackleton's Dream".

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